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Getting into the holiday spirit with Astro, React, and Supabase

11 min read ·


Christmas is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about gift-giving. In this blog post, we will explore how to use the Astro framework in combination with React and Supabase to create a simple app that lets you draw names for a Secret Santa gift exchange. By the end of this post, we will have a working app that we can use to make gift exchange more organized and fun. Let’s get started!


Secret Santa is a fun and affordable way to exchange gifts without contributing to the overconsumption and waste that often comes with the holiday season. Instead of buying multiple gifts for each person in a group, you can only buy one for the person you drew. It allows to focus on more thoughtful and sustainable gifts that will be appreciated and used.

Photo by Joshua Lam on Unsplash


Astro is a modern framework for building static websites. It helps you reduce the amount of JavaScript in your sites while still allowing you to use your preferred framework or even plain HTML and CSS. Astro offers several valuable features, such as automatic sitemap generation, designed to be intuitive and straightforward.


Supabase is a serverless, open-source Firebase alternative that provides powerful tools for building full-stack applications. Its seamless authentication, real-time subscriptions, and object storage are built on top of Postgres, the world’s most advanced open-source database. Supabase is easy to use and integrate with other tools, making it an excellent choice for developers who want to build or enhance their apps.

In the blog post, we use Supabase to store and retrieve groups and user dates for the Secret Santa demo app. Supabase allows us to store and retrieve users easily and draw data without having to write a lot of code or set up and manage a database ourselves. It can save time and make the development process more efficient.

Format of this blog post

This will be a step-by-step guide focused on setting up Astro, Supabase and integration between them. I extracted a small library of UI components, so we won’t have to focus on styling and UI logic. I’m using Tailwind CSS in the guide and the library.

If you want to skip directly to the source code, you can visit a repository with the code from this guide. There, you can browse the code and see how it works.

Creating a new Astro project

Run the following command to create a new project. Follow the wizard instructions and choose the recommended options. For TypeScript, choose the strictest option. It’s up to you whether you want to initialize a git repository, but I recommend doing so!

$ pnpm create astro@latest
$ pnpm create astro@latest

Next, we’re going to install React and Tailwind integrations to our new Astro project:

$ pnpm astro add react tailwind
$ pnpm astro add react tailwind

You can run pnpm dev to start your app and see how it looks in the browser.

Customizing styles

I created a small components library for this guide (@everybody-gives/ui) so that we can focus on building the functionality of your app while still creating a nice-looking application. To install the library, run:

$ pnpm add @everybody-gives/ui @tailwindcss/forms postcss
$ pnpm add @everybody-gives/ui @tailwindcss/forms postcss

Update tailwind.config.cjs

Make sure your tailwind.config.cjs file looks like the following:

// tailwind.config.cjs
const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");
const defaultTheme = require("tailwindcss/defaultTheme");
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
colors: {
inherit: "inherit",
current: "currentColor",
transparent: "transparent",
black: "#000",
white: "#fff",
red: colors.red,
gray: colors.stone,
primary: colors.emerald,
background: "#EDE7E2",
action: "#F5FF7D",
fontFamily: {
sans: ["Arima Madurai", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
keyframes: {
wiggle: {
"0%, 50%, 100%": { transform: "rotate(-3deg) scale(1.2)" },
"25%, 75%": { transform: "rotate(3deg) scale(1.2)" },
animation: {
wiggle: "wiggle 1s ease-in-out infinite",
plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/forms")],
// tailwind.config.cjs
const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");
const defaultTheme = require("tailwindcss/defaultTheme");
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
colors: {
inherit: "inherit",
current: "currentColor",
transparent: "transparent",
black: "#000",
white: "#fff",
red: colors.red,
gray: colors.stone,
primary: colors.emerald,
background: "#EDE7E2",
action: "#F5FF7D",
fontFamily: {
sans: ["Arima Madurai", ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
keyframes: {
wiggle: {
"0%, 50%, 100%": { transform: "rotate(-3deg) scale(1.2)" },
"25%, 75%": { transform: "rotate(3deg) scale(1.2)" },
animation: {
wiggle: "wiggle 1s ease-in-out infinite",
plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/forms")],

Create postcss.config.cjs

For Tailwind to work correctly, we also need a postcss configuration:

// postcss.config.cjs
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
// postcss.config.cjs
module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},

And the last thing here — create a new folder, src/styles with an index.css file:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
html {
background-color: #ede7e2;
#__next {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
font-family: "Arima Madurai";
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
html {
background-color: #ede7e2;
#__next {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
font-family: "Arima Madurai";

New index page

In an Astro project, pages are files that are located in the src/pages/ directory. As mentioned, we will use components from the @everybody-gives/ui library. Let’s go to the src/pages/index.astro. The .astro extension indicates that it’s an Astro component. In Astro, components are HTML-based templates with no client-side runtime. Components building blocks of the content of a page and have the following structure:

// Here goes any JavaScript that you need to run, e.g. imports
<!-- Component Template (HTML + JS Expressions) -->
// Here goes any JavaScript that you need to run, e.g. imports
<!-- Component Template (HTML + JS Expressions) -->

Update the src/pages/index.astro with the following code:

import { Button, Hero } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
<Layout title="everybody.gives">
<main class="min-h-full flex items-center flex-col justify-center p-[100px]">
<Hero />
<div class="mt-5 sm:mt-8 flex self-start">
<a href="/new-group">
<Button width={200}>GET STARTED</Button>
import { Button, Hero } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
<Layout title="everybody.gives">
<main class="min-h-full flex items-center flex-col justify-center p-[100px]">
<Hero />
<div class="mt-5 sm:mt-8 flex self-start">
<a href="/new-group">
<Button width={200}>GET STARTED</Button>

You might have noticed the Layout element — it’s also an Astro component that we’re using to extract some common elements like head and body.

In the newly generated Astro app, we already have a Layout component, but we’ll customize it a bit:

import "../styles/index.css";
interface Props {
title: string;
const { title } = Astro.props;
<html lang="en">
<title>{title || "everybody-gives"}</title>
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.svg" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com" />
<div class="min-h-full w-full flex z-50"><slot /></div>
import "../styles/index.css";
interface Props {
title: string;
const { title } = Astro.props;
<html lang="en">
<title>{title || "everybody-gives"}</title>
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.svg" />
<link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com" />
<div class="min-h-full w-full flex z-50"><slot /></div>

If you open your app in the browser, this is what you should see:

Perfect! We now have a new landing page. The action button points to a /new-group page, and that’s what we’ll cover next!

Adding new Secret Santa groups

To draw names within a group, we first need some information. It includes an event name and a list of participants.

Create a new page

Let’s add a new file — src/pages/new-group.astro:

import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
<Layout title="everybody.gives">
<Sheet>TODO: new group form</Sheet>
import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
<Layout title="everybody.gives">
<Sheet>TODO: new group form</Sheet>

New group form

In our form, we will ask for three pieces of information:

The form we will be using is basic, but there is potential for improvement. Here are some ideas for how you could enhance the form in the future:

Let’s create an src/components/NewGroupForm.tsx file. All utility components are imported from the @everybody-gives/ui lib.

// src/components/NewGroupForm.tsx
import { Form, LabeledTextField, Card, InputWithSubmitButton } from "@everybody-gives/ui"
import { useState } from "react"
export const NewGroupForm = () => {
const [groupName, setGroupName] = useState("")
const [yourName, setYourName] = useState("")
const [members, setMembers] = useState<string[]>([])
return (
formTitle="New Group"
onSubmit={() => { /* TODO: create a new group and members in Supabase */ }
label="Group Name"
onChange={e => setGroupName(e.target.value)}
label="Your Name"
onChange={e => setYourName(e.target.value)}
< hr />
<h3 className="mt-1 text-xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700 text-center">
Group members
onSubmit={(value) => {
setMembers(prev => [...prev, value])
<ul className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-3">
{members.map((memberName, personIdx) => (
onDelete={() => {
setMembers(prev => prev.filter(m => m !== memberName))
// src/components/NewGroupForm.tsx
import { Form, LabeledTextField, Card, InputWithSubmitButton } from "@everybody-gives/ui"
import { useState } from "react"
export const NewGroupForm = () => {
const [groupName, setGroupName] = useState("")
const [yourName, setYourName] = useState("")
const [members, setMembers] = useState<string[]>([])
return (
formTitle="New Group"
onSubmit={() => { /* TODO: create a new group and members in Supabase */ }
label="Group Name"
onChange={e => setGroupName(e.target.value)}
label="Your Name"
onChange={e => setYourName(e.target.value)}
< hr />
<h3 className="mt-1 text-xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700 text-center">
Group members
onSubmit={(value) => {
setMembers(prev => [...prev, value])
<ul className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-3">
{members.map((memberName, personIdx) => (
onDelete={() => {
setMembers(prev => prev.filter(m => m !== memberName))

Add the form to the Astro page

We have to include the NewGroupForm in the new-group page.

Astro, by default, generates website with zero client-side JavaScript.*Our form needs client-side JavaScript, so we need to add a client:load directive:

import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import { NewGroupForm } from "../components/NewGroupForm";
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
<Layout title="everybody.gives">
<NewGroupForm client:load />
import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import { NewGroupForm } from "../components/NewGroupForm";
import Layout from "../layouts/Layout.astro";
<Layout title="everybody.gives">
<NewGroupForm client:load />

Now, NewGroupForm is interactive, while the rest of your website remains static and zero JS. Here, you can read more about client directives.

If you open https://localhost:3000/new-group, you should see this form:

In the next section, we’ll cover setting up a Supabase project, creating new tables in the database, and saving the group after submitting the form.

Supabase project initialization

To create a new Supabase project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to supabase.com and click “Start Your Project”.
  2. Authenticate with your GitHub account (or email and password).
  3. Create a new project under the organization provided to you in your account. Follow the instructions on the page to complete the setup process.

Adding a new table

After you have created your project, you can create a table for your app by clicking on the SQL Editor in the left sidebar.

Paste the following SQL query in the Supabase editor:

id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
created_by TEXT,
CREATE TABLE members (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
group_id UUID REFERENCES groups(id),
selected_by TEXT,
UNIQUE (group_id, name)
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
created_by TEXT,
CREATE TABLE members (
id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(),
group_id UUID REFERENCES groups(id),
selected_by TEXT,
UNIQUE (group_id, name)

We are creating one table to store group information and a separate table for members. We’re also adding a unique constraint on the (group_id, name) so that we have distinctive members within groups.

Setting up Supabase

Firstly, let’s add Supabase to our dependencies:

$ pnpm add @supabase/supabase-js
$ pnpm add @supabase/supabase-js

Then, we need to update environmental variables to be able to initialize a Supabase client. Create an .env file and add the following keys:

PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL=<your supabase project url>
PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=<your public api key>
PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL=<your supabase project url>
PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY=<your public api key>

You can find them in the Supabase dashboard on the Settings -> API page:

Generating TypeScript types

Before we initialize a new Supabase client in our app, let’s generate types from our database to have TypeScript support and auto-completion.

First, we need to authenticate. For that, run:

$ npx supabase login
$ npx supabase login

It will ask you for your access token. You can generate it in your organization’s settings:

Once you’ve successfully authenticated, run this command to generate types:

$ npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id "<PROJECT_ID>" --schema public
$ npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id "<PROJECT_ID>" --schema public

Don’t forget to replace <PROJECT_ID> with your project’s id, which you can find on the settings page:

Once you run the command, copy the output and paste it into a new file: src/types.ts.

Creating Supabase client

Let’s create a src/supabase.ts file. Inside, we’ll initialize a new client:

// src/supabase.ts
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import type { Database } from './types'
const supabaseUrl = import.meta.env.PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL
const supabaseAnonKey = import.meta.env.PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY
export const supabase = createClient<Database>(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey)
// src/supabase.ts
import { createClient } from '@supabase/supabase-js'
import type { Database } from './types'
const supabaseUrl = import.meta.env.PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL
const supabaseAnonKey = import.meta.env.PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY
export const supabase = createClient<Database>(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey)

We’re passing the project’s URL and a public key that we stored earlier in the .env file. In Astro, instead of using process.env, you can use import.meta.env, which uses the import.meta feature added in ES2020. We also provide the generated Database type as a generic parameter to the createClient function.

Saving new groups in the DB

Now that we have both UI and Supabase setup ready, we can call the API and store the new group form’s content in the database.

Let’s go back to the NewGroupForm.tsx file and update the onSubmit function with the following code:

onSubmit={async () => {
const {data, error: groupError} = await supabase
name: groupName,
created_by: yourName,
if (groupError) {
if (!data) {
console.error("No data returned")
const { error: membersError} = await supabase
.insert(members.map((name) => ({ name, selected_by: null, group_id: data.id })))
if (membersError) {
window.location.href = `/${data.id}?user=${yourName}`
onSubmit={async () => {
const {data, error: groupError} = await supabase
name: groupName,
created_by: yourName,
if (groupError) {
if (!data) {
console.error("No data returned")
const { error: membersError} = await supabase
.insert(members.map((name) => ({ name, selected_by: null, group_id: data.id })))
if (membersError) {
window.location.href = `/${data.id}?user=${yourName}`

As you noticed, I’m only printing the error here. Feel free to pause here and handle the error in the UI. You could, for example, show an error notification or display the error below the submit button.

You can test it out and create your first group. You can see if it was properly created in the Supabase dashboard in the database section:

Group page

Now that we can create groups, we need to display them in the application. But before we add a new page, we will create a new React component which shows all group’s info:

import { useState } from "react"
import { Button, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui"
type GroupInfoProps = {
group: {name: string, createdBy: string, id: string}
members: {name: string}[]
userName: string
export const GroupInfo = ({group, members, userName}: GroupInfoProps) => {
const [result, setResult] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined)
const drawPerson = async () => {
// todo: handle draw
const result = "Alex"
return (
<h1 className="mt-1 text-5xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700">
Welcome to {group.name}, {userName}!
<div className="flex justify-start my-6 items-center">
<Button width={215} onClick={() => {
void drawPerson()
}}>DRAW A NAME</Button>
<div className="py-4 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:py-3">
<dt className="font-bold text-gray-500">Group url</dt>
<dd className="mt-1 text-gray-900 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0 flex items-center">
<div className="py-4 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:py-3">
<dt className="font-bold text-gray-500">Created by</dt>
<dd className="mt-1 text-gray-900 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0">
<ul className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-3 pt-6">
{members.map((member) => {
let className = " bg-background";
if (result === member.name) {
className = isAnimating
? " animate-[wiggle_1s_ease-in-out_infinite] bg-action"
: " bg-action scale-120";
if (result !== member.name && result) {
className = " bg-background opacity-50";
return <Card key={member.name} title={member.name} className={className} />;
import { useState } from "react"
import { Button, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui"
type GroupInfoProps = {
group: {name: string, createdBy: string, id: string}
members: {name: string}[]
userName: string
export const GroupInfo = ({group, members, userName}: GroupInfoProps) => {
const [result, setResult] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined)
const drawPerson = async () => {
// todo: handle draw
const result = "Alex"
return (
<h1 className="mt-1 text-5xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700">
Welcome to {group.name}, {userName}!
<div className="flex justify-start my-6 items-center">
<Button width={215} onClick={() => {
void drawPerson()
}}>DRAW A NAME</Button>
<div className="py-4 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:py-3">
<dt className="font-bold text-gray-500">Group url</dt>
<dd className="mt-1 text-gray-900 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0 flex items-center">
<div className="py-4 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:py-3">
<dt className="font-bold text-gray-500">Created by</dt>
<dd className="mt-1 text-gray-900 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0">
<ul className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-3 pt-6">
{members.map((member) => {
let className = " bg-background";
if (result === member.name) {
className = isAnimating
? " animate-[wiggle_1s_ease-in-out_infinite] bg-action"
: " bg-action scale-120";
if (result !== member.name && result) {
className = " bg-background opacity-50";
return <Card key={member.name} title={member.name} className={className} />;

Now, let’s add a new page. We will use dynamic routing.

An Astro page file can specify dynamic route parameters in its filename to generate matching pages. For example, you might create an authors/[author].astro file that generates a bio page for every author on your blog. author becomes a parameter that you can access from inside the page.

In our case, the dynamic parameter will be a group id.

As later we will have more than one page under https://localhost:3000/[groupId], we will create a folder with a dynamic parameter — /src/[groupId]. Inside of this folder, we will create an index.astro page, which will match https://localhost:3000/[groupId]:

// src/[groupId]/index.astro
import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import { GroupInfo } from "../../components/GroupInfo";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
const userName = Astro.url.searchParams.get("user");
if (!userName) {
// handle missing username
// TODO: fetch group info from Supabase
const group = {
id: groupId as string,
name: "Group Name",
createdBy: "Group Creator",
members: [
name: "User 1",
<Layout title={group.name}>
group={{ createdBy: group.createdBy, name: group.name, id: group.id }}
// src/[groupId]/index.astro
import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import { GroupInfo } from "../../components/GroupInfo";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
const userName = Astro.url.searchParams.get("user");
if (!userName) {
// handle missing username
// TODO: fetch group info from Supabase
const group = {
id: groupId as string,
name: "Group Name",
createdBy: "Group Creator",
members: [
name: "User 1",
<Layout title={group.name}>
group={{ createdBy: group.createdBy, name: group.name, id: group.id }}

Since we don’t know the ids ahead of time, we’ll use SSR mode. That requires setting output: 'server' in the Astro config:

export default defineConfig({
output: 'server',
integrations: [react(), tailwind()]
export default defineConfig({
output: 'server',
integrations: [react(), tailwind()]

Then we are still left with a bunch of things to do on the group page:

  1. Handle missing user names in the URL. The GroupInfo component needs the current user’s name, and we need it to know who’s drawing a person.
  2. Fetch the group’s information from Supabase.
  3. Add drawing a name functionality.

We’ll cover them one by one.

Handle members’ “login”

I put login in quotes because we won’t be doing any authentication. We will only provide a way for group members to choose their names from a participants list before accessing a group page.

We’ll create a new page — src/[groupId]/name.astro. Inside we will display a list of group members, and when a user picks their name, we’ll redirect them to the group page:

// src/[groupId]/name.astro
import { Sheet, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
// TODO: fetch members from Supabase
const members = ["Alex", "John", "Jane"];
<Layout title="Select name">
<h1 class="mt-1 text-5xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700 text-center">
Select your name
class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-2 pt-10"
members?.map((member) => {
return (
className="bg-background hover:scale-105"
// src/[groupId]/name.astro
import { Sheet, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
// TODO: fetch members from Supabase
const members = ["Alex", "John", "Jane"];
<Layout title="Select name">
<h1 class="mt-1 text-5xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700 text-center">
Select your name
class="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 sm:grid-cols-2 pt-10"
members?.map((member) => {
return (
className="bg-background hover:scale-105"

Currently, the members are hardcoded, so let’s retrieve them from Supabase:

// src/[groupId]/name.astro
import { Sheet, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
import { supabase } from "../../supabase";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
const { data, error } = await supabase
.eq("group_id", groupId);
if (error) {
throw error;
const members = data.map((m) => m.name);
// src/[groupId]/name.astro
import { Sheet, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
import { supabase } from "../../supabase";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
const { data, error } = await supabase
.eq("group_id", groupId);
if (error) {
throw error;
const members = data.map((m) => m.name);

Now, let’s go back to the src/[groupId]/index.astro file, and redirect to the page we just created if there’s no user in the URL:

// src/[groupId]/index.astro
if (!userName) {
return Astro.redirect(`/${groupId}/name`);
// src/[groupId]/index.astro
if (!userName) {
return Astro.redirect(`/${groupId}/name`);

Now, if you try to access an existing group at http://localhost:3000/<group_id>, you should see a list of all participants:

Let’s go back to the group page! We still have two things to cover:

  1. ✅ Handle missing user name in the URL.
  2. Fetch the group’s information from Supabase.
  3. Add drawing a name functionality.

Fetch group info from Supabase

We already saw how to fetch information from Supabase on the name.astro page. Now we will do something very similar. Open src/[groupId]/index.astro and fill in the missing logic:

import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
import { GroupInfo } from "../../components/GroupInfo";
import { supabase } from "../../supabase";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
const userName = Astro.url.searchParams.get("user");
if (!userName) {
return Astro.redirect(`/${groupId}/name`);
const { data: group, error } = await supabase
.select("id, name, created_by, members(name)")
.eq("id", groupId)
if (error) {
throw error;
if (!group || !group.members) {
throw new Error("Invalid group")
const members = Array.isArray(group.members) ? group.members : [group.members];
<Layout title={group.name}>
group={{ createdBy: group.created_by, name: group.name, id: group.id }}
import { Sheet } from "@everybody-gives/ui";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";
import { GroupInfo } from "../../components/GroupInfo";
import { supabase } from "../../supabase";
const { groupId } = Astro.params;
const userName = Astro.url.searchParams.get("user");
if (!userName) {
return Astro.redirect(`/${groupId}/name`);
const { data: group, error } = await supabase
.select("id, name, created_by, members(name)")
.eq("id", groupId)
if (error) {
throw error;
if (!group || !group.members) {
throw new Error("Invalid group")
const members = Array.isArray(group.members) ? group.members : [group.members];
<Layout title={group.name}>
group={{ createdBy: group.created_by, name: group.name, id: group.id }}

Now, after selecting your name, you should be able to see a group page with full info:

Let’s dive into the last item on our list!

  1. ✅ Handle missing user name in the URL.
  2. ✅ Fetch the group’s information from Supabase.
  3. Add drawing a name functionality.

Drawing a name with RPC API

I thought it would be cool to use Supabase’s rpc API for this.

You can call Postgres functions as Remote Procedure Calls, logic in your database that you can execute from anywhere. Functions are useful when the logic rarely changes—like for password resets and updates. https://supabase.com/docs/reference/javascript/rpc

Let’s go to the Supabase dashboard and open an SQL editor. Inside we will create a new Postgres function. It takes two arguments: group_id and username.

It uses the group_id argument to filter the rows in the members table, selecting only rows where the group_id matches the specified value. The username argument is used in the UPDATE statement to set the selected_by column to the specified username for the row with a name value selected randomly from the members table. Then, it also returns the name of the randomly selected row as the result of the function.

CREATE FUNCTION draw_name(groupid uuid, username text)
RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
UPDATE members
SET selected_by = username
WHERE name = (SELECT name
FROM members
WHERE group_id = groupid
AND selected_by IS NULL
FROM members
WHERE group_id = groupid
AND selected_by = username);
CREATE FUNCTION draw_name(groupid uuid, username text)
RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
UPDATE members
SET selected_by = username
WHERE name = (SELECT name
FROM members
WHERE group_id = groupid
AND selected_by IS NULL
FROM members
WHERE group_id = groupid
AND selected_by = username);

Since adding a new function means schema update, we need to generate Supabase types again:

$ npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id "<PROJECT_ID>" --schema public
$ npx supabase gen types typescript --project-id "<PROJECT_ID>" --schema public

Don’t forget to update src/types.ts!

Now, let’s go to the GroupInfo component, where we’ll use the draw_name function:

const drawPerson = async () => {
const {data} = await supabase.rpc("draw_name", {groupid: group.id, username: userName}).single()
if (!data) {
console.error("No data returned")
const drawPerson = async () => {
const {data} = await supabase.rpc("draw_name", {groupid: group.id, username: userName}).single()
if (!data) {
console.error("No data returned")

You can test it out in your browser. This should be the final effect:

Bonus 🎊

Let’s add some sprinkles to our app! Whenever a user draws a name, we can display a confetti animation with react-rewards library. Run the following command to install it:

$ pnpm add react-rewards
$ pnpm add react-rewards

Next, we need to update the GroupInfo.tsx file:

import { useState } from "react"
+ import { useReward } from "react-rewards"
import { Button, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui"
import { supabase } from "../supabase"
type GroupInfoProps = {
group: {name: string, createdBy: string, id: string}
members: {name: string}[]
userName: string
export const GroupInfo = ({group, members, userName}: GroupInfoProps) => {
const [result, setResult] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined)
+ const { reward, isAnimating } = useReward("rewardId", "confetti", {
+ elementCount: 200,
+ lifetime: 500,
+ elementSize: 10,
+ startVelocity: 20,
+ angle: 70,
+ spread: 150,
+ });
const drawPerson = async () => {
const {data} = await supabase.rpc("draw_name", {groupid: group.id, username: userName}).single()
if (!data) {
console.error("No data returned")
+ reward()
return (
<h1 className="mt-1 text-5xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700">
Welcome to {group.name}, {userName}!
- <div className="flex justify-start my-6 items-center">
+ <div className="flex justify-start my-6 items-center" id={"rewardId"}>
<Button width={215} onClick={() => {
void drawPerson()
}}>DRAW A NAME</Button>
{/* ... */}
import { useState } from "react"
+ import { useReward } from "react-rewards"
import { Button, Card } from "@everybody-gives/ui"
import { supabase } from "../supabase"
type GroupInfoProps = {
group: {name: string, createdBy: string, id: string}
members: {name: string}[]
userName: string
export const GroupInfo = ({group, members, userName}: GroupInfoProps) => {
const [result, setResult] = useState<string | undefined>(undefined)
+ const { reward, isAnimating } = useReward("rewardId", "confetti", {
+ elementCount: 200,
+ lifetime: 500,
+ elementSize: 10,
+ startVelocity: 20,
+ angle: 70,
+ spread: 150,
+ });
const drawPerson = async () => {
const {data} = await supabase.rpc("draw_name", {groupid: group.id, username: userName}).single()
if (!data) {
console.error("No data returned")
+ reward()
return (
<h1 className="mt-1 text-5xl font-black tracking-tight text-gray-700">
Welcome to {group.name}, {userName}!
- <div className="flex justify-start my-6 items-center">
+ <div className="flex justify-start my-6 items-center" id={"rewardId"}>
<Button width={215} onClick={() => {
void drawPerson()
}}>DRAW A NAME</Button>
{/* ... */}


Great job! Now that you’ve mastered the basics, you can use your new skills to build even more exciting projects with Astro and Supabase. Have fun exploring the capabilities of these tools, and see what you can create!

If you have any feedback on this blog post, feel free to reach out via Twitter, or if you want to contribute, here’s the post’s source code.

This guide was based on the app that I originally built with Blitz.js. If you want to check out an extended version of what we made in this guide, visit: everybody.gives.

Future improvements

Here’s a list of some potential improvements that you could make to the app: